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Top 100 database interview questions | frequently asked mysql interview question


Interview Questions

1. What is database?

2. What is DBMS?

3. What is a Database system?

4. What are the advantages of DBMS?

5. What are the disadvantage in File Processing System?

6. Describe the three levels of data abstraction?

7. Define the "integrity rules"?

8. What is Data Independence?

9. What is a view? How it is related to data independence?

10. What is Data Model?

11. What is E-R model?

12. What is Object Oriented model?

13. What is an Entity?

14. What is an Entity set?

15. What is Weak Entity set?

16. What is an attribute?

17. What is Relationship?

18. What is Relationship set?

19. What is Relationship type?

20. What is degree of Relationship type?

21. What is DDL (Data Definition Language)?

22. What is DML (Data Manipulation Language)?

23. What is DML Compiler?

24. What is Query evaluation engine?

25. What is DDL Interpreter?

26. What is Relational Algebra?

27. What is Relational Calculus?

28. How does Tuple-oriented relational calculus differ from domain-oriented relational calculus?

29. What is normalization?

30. What is Functional Dependency?

31. What is Lossless join property?

32. What is 1 NF (Normal Form)?

33. What is Fully Functional dependency?

34. What is 2NF?

35. What is 3NF?

36. What is BCNF (Boyce-Codd Normal Form)?

37. What is 4NF?

38. What is 5NF?

39. What are partial, alternate, compound and natural key?

40. What is indexing and what are the different kinds of indexing?

41. What is meant by query optimization?

42. What is durability in DBMS?

43. What do you mean by atomicity and aggregation?

44. What is a Phantom Deadlock?

45. What is a checkpoint and When does it occur?

46. What are the different states of transaction?

47. What is a query?

48. What do you mean by Correlated subquery?

49. What are the unary operations in Relational Algebra?

50. Are the resulting relations of PRODUCT and JOIN operation the same?

51. Which part of the RDBMS takes care of the data dictionary? How?

52. What is the job of the information stored in data-dictionary?

53. How do you communicate with an RDBMS?

54. Define SQL and state the differences between SQL and other conventional programming Languages.

55. What is database Trigger?

56. What are stored-procedures? And what are the advantages of using them?

57. What is Storage Manager?

58. What is Buffer Manager?

59. What is Transaction Manager?

60. What is File Manager?

61. What is Authorization and Integrity manager?

62. What are cursors give different types of cursors?

63. Write an SQL SELECT statement to display all the columns of the STUDENT table but only those rows where the Grade column is greater than or equal to 90.

64. Name and briefly describe the five SQL built-in functions.

65. Write an SQL SELECT statement to count the number of rows in STUDENT table and display the result with the label NumStudents.

66. What is an SQL subquery?

67. Why are functional dependencies?

68. What is a foreign key, and what is it used for?

69. What are insertion and deletion anomalies?

70. What does it mean when we say that a relation is in Boyce-Codd Normal Form (BCNF)?

71. Why do normalized tables require more complex SQL when SQL statements are used in application programs?

72. What is the multivalue, multicolumn problem?.

73. Why is the multivalue, multicolumn problem another form of the multivalued dependency problem?

74. What is the inconsistent values problem?

75. Explain the relationship between entity and attribute

76. Explain the difference between attributes and identifiers.

77. What are the steps for transforming an entity into a table

78. Define a surrogate key, describe the ideal primary key and explain how surrogate keys meet this ideal.

79. Define and discuss data constraints.

80. What is a cascading update?

81. Explain how to add a NOT NULL column to a table.

82. Explain the difference between an exclusive lock and a shared lock.

83. What is deadlock? How can it be avoided? How can it be resolved once it occurs?

84. What are the major functions of the database administrator?

85. Explain what we mean by an ACID transaction.

86. What are the Advantages of SQL

87. what is a field in a database ?

88. What is a Record in a database ?

89. What is a Table in a database ?

90. What are properties of a transaction?

91. What is a Database Lock?

92. What are the type of locks?

93. What is a Composite Primary Key ?

94. What is a Foreign Key ?

95. What is a Unique Key ?

 96. Define SQL Insert Statement?

97. Define SQL Update Statement?

98. Define SQL Delete Statement?

99. Define Join and explain different type of joins?

100. What is Self-Join?

101. What is Cross Join?

102. What is a view?

103. What are the advantages and disadvantages of views in a database?

104. Explain the difference between DELETE , TRUNCATE and DROP commands?

105. What is the difference between Cluster and Non cluster Index?

106. What is Union, minus and Intersect commands?


Thanks for reading Top 100 database interview questions | frequently asked mysql interview question

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