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10 things not to during jobless situation | Keep yourself away from these when you are jobless


You need not to sleep late Night.

you need not to awake late, it should be early as possible.

you need not to waste time, as its very precious.

you need not to be dirty, as neat body have good soul.

you need not to waste time on your social media Accounts(Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest, etc).

Most important you need not to chat with your partner all the time(keep it limited).

you need to not be afraid of what would be the next, be positive and confident.
don't go for party as its a waste of Time and Money(An important asset of your's in your bad time).

you need not to be watching porn's.

you need not to avoid that you are unemployed(so that you can work upon it).

you need not to be lazy.

The thing that you need to Do is :



Thanks for reading 10 things not to during jobless situation | Keep yourself away from these when you are jobless

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