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TRIGGER command denied to user 'root'@'%' for table 'TableName'


How to show all Triggers of DataBase in MYSQL ?

> show all Triggers/Views, this will result into a list of triggers or views that are available.

If you are getting an error like " TRIGGER command denied to user 'root'@'%' for table 'TableName' " for Trigger or View then following solution would be effective :

First Method :

1. Take a dump of all Triggers .
2. editing Definer using gedit or textPad.
3. Source back to DB

Second Method :

1. Show create trigger TriggerName.
2. Copy the structure.
3. Drop Trigger Trigger NameOfTrigger.
4. Create Trigger(using structure that you copied earlier).

Possible cause of error TRIGGER command denied to user 'root'@'%' for table 'TableName' 

Reason : User(root or something else), i.e user previllaged changed and now is something else

Thanks for reading TRIGGER command denied to user 'root'@'%' for table 'TableName'

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