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Random Page Request Using regular expression extractor Jmeter | Random Page Request Jmeter


We would be using

1. Http Request Default
2. Regular Expression Extractor.
3. Http request.
4. Debug Sampler.
5. Listener(Result Tree).                                                                                    

Http Request Default

For default IP or Server 
Example :
IP that would be used through out for every http request.

We are using :

Regular Expression Extractor

Regular expression extractor would be used for extracting certain pattern matching things from the page requested.
Expression that we are using here is  : 



  • Reference Name  (similar to variable Name)
  • Regular Expression (expression that you had created)
  • Template ($1$-for one, $1$$2$-for two expressions)
  • Match No.(0 for Random) : (Write 0 for Random Result)
  • Default Value (that you want to replace while not matched)

http Request

For the request that would select random pages from the page using regular expression.

Path would have value of variable mentioned in regular expression extractor.

Path=Reference Name

Debug Sampler

This would result which would be the output of regular expression extractor with different status

View Result Tree

For The output in the form of tree with status of failed or pass.

Image : 


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