1. When you are simply running your script locally within the system :
Command : Jmeter -n -t "your.jmx" -l "testResult.jtl"
2. When You want to run your script in different computers i.e in distributed mode
Command : Jmeter -n -t "your.jmx" -l "testResult.jtl" -r
in above command local IP's of the system will be picked up from varaible named "remote-hosts" under Jmeter.properties file in bin folder.
3. Whenn you specify cetain IP's to execute your script
Command : Jmeter -n -t "Your.jmx" -l "testResult.jtl" -r -Rxxxx.xxxx.xxxx.xxxx,xxxx.xxxx.xxxx.xxxx
Specify number of thread in Non GUI Mode Jmeter:
ReplyDeletejmeter -Jthreads=1000 -n -t test.jmx -l result.jtl