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The Konigsberg bridge problem Is the perhaps the best known example in graph theory. It was a long-standing problem until solved by  Leonhard Euler(1907-1983) in 1736, by means of a graph.
Two islands, C and D, formed by the Pergel River in Konigsberg were connected to each other and to the banks A and B with seven bridges. The problem was to start at any of the four land areas of the city A, B, C, or D, walk over each of the seven bridges exactly ones, and return to the starting point.
 Euler represented this situation by means of a graph. The vertices represent the land areas and the edges represent the bridges. Euler proved that a solution for this problem does not exist.
The Kongsberg problem is the same as the problem of drawing figures without lifting the pen from the paper and without retracing a line.

There are three houses H1, H2, H3, H4, each to be connected to each of the three utilities- water(w), gas(G), and electricity(E) – by means of conduits. Is it possible to make such a connections without any crossovers of the conduits?

This problem can be represented by means of a graph- the conduits are shown as edges while houses and utilities are shown as vertices. The graph of the problem cannot be drawn in the plane without edge crossing over. Thus the answer to this problem is no.

Properties of electrical network are functions of only two factors:
1.       The nature and value of the elements forming the network, such as resistors, inductors, transistors, and   so forth.
2.       The way these elements are connected together, that is, the topology of the network.

The topology of the network is studied by means of its graph. In drawing a graph of an electrical network the junctions are represented by vertices and branches are represented as edges, regardless of the size and nature of the electrical elements.

Nine members of a new club meet each day for lunch at around table. They decide to sit such that every member has different neighbor at each lunch. How many days can this arrangement last?
This situation can be represented by  a graph with nine vertices such that each vertex represents a member, and an edge joining two vertices represents the relationship of sitting next to each other.
Two possible seating arrangements- these are 1234567891(dark line), and 1352749681(thin line). It can be shown by graph-theoretic considerations that there are only two more arrangements possible. They are 1573928461 and 1795836241. In general it can be shown that for N people the number of such possible arrangements is
                N-1/2, if n is odd,
                N-2/2, if n is even.


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